Tuesday 11 December 2018


For our kapa haka festival, we got our whole syndicate together, and we practices every Wednesday  and Monday,  for an hour each practice, for a few months. The festival is where any schools that are willing to participate practice and then preform. It's a great time and this year I even got to be in the front row. Here are some photos of the festival.

My Look Book!

Lately I have been working on a google slideshow, so that we can share it with our parents for our student lead celebrations. Here is my slide show, I hope that you enjoy.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Athletics Training

Our school athletics is coming up soon and we have been training for the last two weeks, we have been working hard to improve our sprinting, jumping (high/long), throwing. On the day I did really well. I tried everything even though you didn't need to do high jump, I did it because it's my favorite.
I came 1st equal with another girl in my year. We both get to go to interschools. Yah! I can't wait I hope that you enjoy my post and be sure to comment.

Creating Media

Today in class we were looking at media. Koka Maria, talked to us about how people edit images to make them look better. There were some pretty good examples she shared. My favorite was a video called Evolution of a model. Search it up, it's a great video to show how much people edit in adds.
I hope you liked my post.
comment if you have anything to say about my post!

Thursday 1 November 2018

Our Open Day!

At the start of term we had our open day for the Hamanatua Stream, our actions speak louder than words inquiry project. During the open day, each group got to share what they were doing and their next learning steps. Overall the open day was a bid success and I enjoyed say my part in front of classes from school and parents.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Hamanatua Stream

This term our inquiry topic was actions speak louder than words. Since my class looks after the Hamanatua stream we decided that we wanted to make that area better. Then we brainstormed in class until we came up with 6 ideas.

Then we split into each group and started taking action! My group was a mural group. We kept sending messages to the council but unfortunately our mural idea got shut down due to safety reasons. So we then sent them another idea but we haven't got a response, fingers crossed!


A Surprise Visitor!

Today Meng Foon the mayor of Gisborne came to our class. This happened because we canceled our open day down at the hamanatua stream but he came to talk to us and see what we had done anyway.  When he was here we answered his questions about how it all started, and what we had done in the pass few weeks.

Here is  a photo of us with his.

Talent Quest!

 Yesterday, my school had a talent quest. The talent quest is a show we do where anyone can have a go, we had piano players, singers, dances and videos too just to name a few acts.
  If you have a talent then the talent quest is your time to show it. In the talent quest, I did two dances. I am apart of the jump jam team and we performed really well, in our dance. The second dance I did was a solo to fight song. It went really well too, and I hope you enjoy the photos from yesterday.

My Speech

This term we had our year 3-6 speech competition. How this works is that you say your speech to your class and if your class has year 5-6's then you need to go into the semi finals, (only 5-6's) if you make it pass the semi finals then you go into the finals. There are 4 trophies one for year group.

My speech made it into the semifinals, but sadly it didn't make it into the finals. My speech was on leadership, because our speech had to link up to actions speak louder than words. Here is a copy of my speech hope you like it.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Cross Country

2 weeks ago, our school did the cross country race. Which we train for during school hours. I was very pleased with my placing, I came 7th out of 30 girls. I am glad that I did as well as I did because, running long distance isn't very easy for me, but I trained really hard and it payed off.

Colour Day!

Colour Day, was a day when the teachers from each class had to pick out a colour from a box and the class would wear the colour. We got PURPLE!
The point in colour day was to raise money for Plannet Sunshine the childrens ward at our local hospital. Everyone who dressed up brang a gold coin donation. We raised $310 to go towards a playground for Plannet Sunshine.

Replying to Blog Comments

Here is a slideshow that we had to fill out to work on relying to comments.
Here's my work. Be sure to comment if your unsure or want to ask any questions, bye.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Water Worries

This is my reading task from this week. In my group we had to read a journal and then complete 2 tasks, after that we had to do a create task which was could be a slideshow for example. We had to have or create task finished by friday so that we could share it with our buddy class. This is what I'll be sharing with my buddy.

Improving Blog Comments

Today when koka Maria came in to do cybersmart, we had to improve one of our blog comments. To do this we had to look at the comments we had written to people, pick one that we thought was really good and by using the things that we came up with our buddies improve the wording and punctuation. I highlighted all the things that I changed red. This was a really good task and it helped us a lot so we were asked to make a post,  here is mine.

Thursday 26 July 2018

My Holiday Slow Write

This week we did a slow write, where we had to follow the rules given to us. Using those rules we made a sentence at a time. This was based on one of our most enjoyable time from the holidays here is mine.

Wheel Wonders!

Tuesday 3 July 2018

3 stars and 1 wish

Here is a google drawing I have made. It shows what I am proud of this term at school (star) and what I want to work on next term.(wish)
Here it is. If you have any questions or queries be sure to comment.

Monday 2 July 2018

My Science Fair Journey

Hi, this post is here to  show you my science fair journey. I have faced lot's of challenges along the way like how I had to start all over again with a whole new science project. This is because for my previous science fair project, to test it I had to grow bacteria but I wasn't growing any bacteria and so I started all over again and when I cleaned everything up the agar was all melted.I believe this is because I couldn't get the temperature control I needed.

When I started my new experiment there was only 3 weeks until we had to present them in our school hall. So I had to find something that wouldn't take too much time to test. I was looking with my parents and then I saw something on school bags so I had a look. I found the perfect experiment it was to find out whether students in my class have overweight bags.

This can be measured by weighing yourself and then you divide your weight by 10. Then you must weigh your bag after that see whether 10% of your weight is heavier than your school bags weight. If the weight of your bag is over then you have an unhealthy bag for growing. This means that if your a child you won't be growing well if your holding an overweight bag a lot of the time.

I hope you liked hearing about my learning journey.
Be sure to comment if you have any questions or queries.
Thanks for reading about my learning, goodbye.

Gymnastics Festival

Hi, I'm going to tell you all about my experience at our school gymnastics festival. I participated in Rhythmic gymnastics and in A grade women's artistic gymnastics. I also was in the A grade team that came 1st overall. The rhythmic crew came 3rd and I'm not sure what I came individually.

Our rhythmic team has won for the last 2 years in a row but we didn't have much time to prepare this year. We would usually have around 2 months to learn and perfect the routine but this year we only had 2 weeks so we were really pushing it.

In those 2 weeks we had to learn cheerleading stunts, dances and gymnastics tricks. It was a lot and we only learnt the end of the routine 1 day before we were competing. This wasn't the only problem though we also had a team-mate in Japan at the time so she only had 2 days to learn the whole dance. Lucky we all pulled through and performed well. It was definitely fun as well as a huge challenge for all of us.

I hope you liked learning about my time in the Tairawhiti Gymnastics Festival.
Be sure to comment if you have any questions or queries, bye.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Aurora Leadership Program

For the last two months I've been going to a leadership program. This program is held at central school. Koka Rebecca is running the program. The students in this program are from 15 different schools around the gisborne district.

We have been learning about leadership but we are also going to give back to our community by fundraising as much money as we can for Planet Sunshine. The children's ward at our local hospital.

We have found that  activities for families visiting and patients are very limited play areas so we will be making a new playground to help make there stay more enjoyable. We have already visited the Botanical gardens to see what equipment we could get.

When we went to the Botanical gardens we found lot's of great play equipment. The only thing is safety. But when we were there a few of us talked to some parents and families about what they thought of some of the equipment.

So far we have fundraised $240 from a school dress up day. There will be more fundraisers happening at school coming up soon. When we go to Planet Sunshine in August we will be presenting all our money and donations to them. As well as a group of new toys and books for things in the waiting area.

I hope you liked learning about my learning that I've been doing, and that you comment if you have any other questions.

Thursday 28 June 2018

My Puff Potion

Today in class we made recipes about things trates we need to work on or things that we are working towards doing better. We could also print it out and do some art with it, that's what I did. But I made a slide to publish on my blog here it is.

Be sure to comment.

Monday 11 June 2018

Me, me and me

Today I made a google drawing. It shows what kind of learner I am, what my best piece of work is this term and what I'm going to improve on, to be a better learner. There is a photo as well it shows something about me.
Hope you like it.
Comment if your unsure of anything or like what I've made.

Sunday 10 June 2018

One Word

This term we had to come up with a word that will help our learning. Then we had to explain why we picked  that word on a slideshow here is mine.

Monday 28 May 2018

Soaps and Sanitizers

Here is a post that shows where I'm at with my science fair,and what I'm doing for my school science fair as well.I hope this image covers everything if you have any questions please comment.
Bye! :)

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Safe Passwords

We all need safe passwords, for the last 2 weeks Koka Maria has been teaching us all about safe passwords and how you make them here is a slide that could hep you make a strong passwors ,bye.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Mountain Biking Madness

Hi I'm going to tell you about my time away in Wairoa, we went water skiing, wakeboarding and even mountain biking (on the new mountain bike trails.) It was all so much fun and since we had never been on the mountain bike trails it was really cool because I had only ever been to the redwoods, and it turned out they were really good trails.
Be sure to comment bye!

Wednesday 4 April 2018

My Easter Away

This Easter was so much fun.We were away in Mahia for 2 days, we even went out on our boat in the ocean!Our Easter was the day we left Mahia for our short drive to Wairoa for water skiing with the Chambers.It was heaps of fun me and Sophie learned how to drop a ski and single ski I as so pleased.
The was the highlight of my weekend being in the water having fun on the boat, even when we went biscuiting and got thrown off I loved it, I loved all of it.Spending time with family and friends it really was the best Easter ever!
Here are some photos I hope you enjoy them and be sure to comment too.

Image result for easter egg

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Working with Images

This week we made a drawing with koka Maria. We had to use our learning about layering and making images transparent. I learn't lot's on how you can use google drawings it was lot's of fun learning those things.
I hope you like my google drawing and be sure to comment.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

My google drawing

This is what I did on google drawings today.I was learing about new and fast tricks to use on google drawings.I learn't lots this week about being cybersmart koka Maria has helped lots like how I learnt  how to duplicate shapes by clicking ctrl d .
I hope you enjoy it bye.

Friday 16 March 2018

My Top Tip

This week we did a digtal dig with Ms Ducky it helped us learn fast tricks with our computer.Here is mine I hope you like it.


Wednesday 14 March 2018

School Duathlon

LI: I am sharing some of my ideas, feelings and thoughts on my blog about the
     Duathlon  today!

Success Criteria:
  • It makes sense when I read it
  • I have used capital letters and full stops correctly
  • I have had my blogging buddy check my blog before I publish it

  1. I came sixth in the school duathlon.
  2. I got nocked off my bike.
  3. I have never done that well in the duathlon.
  4. I didn't stop running until the finish line. 
  5. I was very nervous at the start.

I felt very nervous at the start I had butterflys in my tummy at the start line hoping it would be over soon.I feel like I did really well and I'm really proud of myself now I might even get to go to interschools with my friends how much fun would that be. Even though I didn't get my goal I still know that I did my very best and that the person I was amming for came second so I was a while behind but I know that I did what I could and I gave it my all. I feel quite frurstrated because someone biked into me and I fell off. It meant that lot's of people could pass me so my placing wasn't as good as it could of been.

 My word is...


Thursday 8 March 2018

My reading wheel

This week we all created a reading wheel .My reading wheel came out really well . I did my book on Harry Potter and the half blood prince.This task didn't just use reading we had to use maths during this task ,we had to get six sectors and to use a protractor to we divided 360° degrees by six  = 60° .I loved this task it was lots of fun learning about diameters and right angles plus I had never used a protractor before so that was lot's of new learning for me this week.I hope you enjoy my photos. Be sure to comment.

                                                               My reading wheel cover


                              My reading wheel
                                                                                             Radius - The straight angle going right
                                                                                                 through the  mid point in the circle.

Monday 26 February 2018

cycle safety

This week we did cycle safety with constable pam after woulds we make these slides I hope you enjoy it and become a cycle safe person. Until next time bye...

Friday 16 February 2018

My Cyber safety poster

This week we created cyber safety posters in class to make sure we knew what we were expected of us when on the computers. Mrs Duckworth came in and helped us today so we knew how to insert doc's and slides  into our blog it got quite challenging at times but we go through it.I hope you enjoy my poster bye.

Saturday 10 February 2018

All About Me!

Here is a poster about things I like do and enjoy.This poster has things about me I'm a big sports person so that is definitely something I have shown.
Here it is.
If you have any questions or wonderings please comment.

Friday 9 February 2018

Welcome to my blog

Hi I'm Amelia and I will be sharing my learning with you this year.I am a year 6 student at Wainui Beach School,I live right by Wainui beach in Gisborne New Zealand, my favorites things to do are waterskiing, gymnastics, maths,surf life saving, swimming in the ocean and tumbling.

Be sure to comment to my blog if you like it or have any questions till next time.

Until next time bye.