Sunday 29 April 2018

Mountain Biking Madness

Hi I'm going to tell you about my time away in Wairoa, we went water skiing, wakeboarding and even mountain biking (on the new mountain bike trails.) It was all so much fun and since we had never been on the mountain bike trails it was really cool because I had only ever been to the redwoods, and it turned out they were really good trails.
Be sure to comment bye!

Wednesday 4 April 2018

My Easter Away

This Easter was so much fun.We were away in Mahia for 2 days, we even went out on our boat in the ocean!Our Easter was the day we left Mahia for our short drive to Wairoa for water skiing with the Chambers.It was heaps of fun me and Sophie learned how to drop a ski and single ski I as so pleased.
The was the highlight of my weekend being in the water having fun on the boat, even when we went biscuiting and got thrown off I loved it, I loved all of it.Spending time with family and friends it really was the best Easter ever!
Here are some photos I hope you enjoy them and be sure to comment too.

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