Thursday 25 July 2019

Paper plane investigation!

 In class we are doing an experimental paper plane investigation. We are trying to make our planes fly longer by making slight adjustments. I will be adding to thus slide show for the next week, I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 23 July 2019


The first place; to watch.
The last to leave; where I feel safe
After the trees. 

The mountain range close;
My family closer; or further.
My home to far.

I’m growing; it’s time,
Time to leave; to make others happy.
Sweet but sour they taste.

I watch the water
It feels real it looks fake
How could an ocean hang on a wall?

Haiku, by Hone Tuwhare!

I think that Hone Tuwhare poem is about how a creek doesn’t have enough water, and even though rain will come and you will smile again. Not everything will be the same, and you must be prepared to put up a battle.

 The picture I get when the poem was read out, was a boy sitting by a creek talking to a frog, letting him know it was going to be ok: and no matter what he wasn’t going to let anything happen to the frog.
I think he describes the creek as snivelling, because when I snivelling I feel like I’m holding onto my last nerve and that I’m so close to just getting super mad and unpleasant; I think that the creek is just about to let go too, but only in a really sad way.

I think the poem could definitely be a metaphor for a topic something like...
The sun makes more tears than water.