Thursday 26 July 2018

My Holiday Slow Write

This week we did a slow write, where we had to follow the rules given to us. Using those rules we made a sentence at a time. This was based on one of our most enjoyable time from the holidays here is mine.

Wheel Wonders!

Tuesday 3 July 2018

3 stars and 1 wish

Here is a google drawing I have made. It shows what I am proud of this term at school (star) and what I want to work on next term.(wish)
Here it is. If you have any questions or queries be sure to comment.

Monday 2 July 2018

My Science Fair Journey

Hi, this post is here to  show you my science fair journey. I have faced lot's of challenges along the way like how I had to start all over again with a whole new science project. This is because for my previous science fair project, to test it I had to grow bacteria but I wasn't growing any bacteria and so I started all over again and when I cleaned everything up the agar was all melted.I believe this is because I couldn't get the temperature control I needed.

When I started my new experiment there was only 3 weeks until we had to present them in our school hall. So I had to find something that wouldn't take too much time to test. I was looking with my parents and then I saw something on school bags so I had a look. I found the perfect experiment it was to find out whether students in my class have overweight bags.

This can be measured by weighing yourself and then you divide your weight by 10. Then you must weigh your bag after that see whether 10% of your weight is heavier than your school bags weight. If the weight of your bag is over then you have an unhealthy bag for growing. This means that if your a child you won't be growing well if your holding an overweight bag a lot of the time.

I hope you liked hearing about my learning journey.
Be sure to comment if you have any questions or queries.
Thanks for reading about my learning, goodbye.

Gymnastics Festival

Hi, I'm going to tell you all about my experience at our school gymnastics festival. I participated in Rhythmic gymnastics and in A grade women's artistic gymnastics. I also was in the A grade team that came 1st overall. The rhythmic crew came 3rd and I'm not sure what I came individually.

Our rhythmic team has won for the last 2 years in a row but we didn't have much time to prepare this year. We would usually have around 2 months to learn and perfect the routine but this year we only had 2 weeks so we were really pushing it.

In those 2 weeks we had to learn cheerleading stunts, dances and gymnastics tricks. It was a lot and we only learnt the end of the routine 1 day before we were competing. This wasn't the only problem though we also had a team-mate in Japan at the time so she only had 2 days to learn the whole dance. Lucky we all pulled through and performed well. It was definitely fun as well as a huge challenge for all of us.

I hope you liked learning about my time in the Tairawhiti Gymnastics Festival.
Be sure to comment if you have any questions or queries, bye.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Aurora Leadership Program

For the last two months I've been going to a leadership program. This program is held at central school. Koka Rebecca is running the program. The students in this program are from 15 different schools around the gisborne district.

We have been learning about leadership but we are also going to give back to our community by fundraising as much money as we can for Planet Sunshine. The children's ward at our local hospital.

We have found that  activities for families visiting and patients are very limited play areas so we will be making a new playground to help make there stay more enjoyable. We have already visited the Botanical gardens to see what equipment we could get.

When we went to the Botanical gardens we found lot's of great play equipment. The only thing is safety. But when we were there a few of us talked to some parents and families about what they thought of some of the equipment.

So far we have fundraised $240 from a school dress up day. There will be more fundraisers happening at school coming up soon. When we go to Planet Sunshine in August we will be presenting all our money and donations to them. As well as a group of new toys and books for things in the waiting area.

I hope you liked learning about my learning that I've been doing, and that you comment if you have any other questions.